Are you looking for Irvington Real Estate in Portland OR? Here’s our helpful guide to Irvington Portland OR Homes for Sale with handy Irvington neighborhood stats, charts, local real estate listings, and more helpful information.
Irvington Neighborhood Real Estate Statistics and Market Reports
One of the first things you might want to consider when looking for Irvington Portland Homes for sale, is how the local real estate market is performing in this neighborhood. See how Irvington home values compare to other areas and whether properties are appreciating.
Irvington is a popular NE Portland neighborhood, bordering the popular shopping strips along Fremont and Broadway. Irvington is a classic and traditional neighborhood that has stood the test of time, and the value of homes in this area have generally held up well even in the downturned economy.
One of the reasons Irvington is so popular because of the easy access to dining, shopping, grocery stores, and easy access to major freeways and bridges to Downtown. It is located close in, so if you commute into Downtown for work, it is very conveniently located.
There are many wonderful family homes for sale in Irvington, as well as larger homes converted into duplexes or condos. Do a little research and know whether the home you are considering is a good buy. Also use this information if you are considering selling a home in Irvington.
Irvington is full of large custom crafted homes from the turn of the last century, to modern in-fill construction like townhomes and condos.
Find a Irvington Home for Sale | Buy a Home in the Irvington Neighborhood, Portland
Now that you know a bit more about the neighborhood statistics and current Irvington real estate market, it’s time to start looking for your new home to buy in Irvington!
Here is a helpful link to search current Irvington home listings and Irvington RMLS, Irvington Portland OR Homes for Sale.
Just select “Irvington” as the neighborhood in the drop-down box, and see current listings in Irvington real estate.
Homes for Sale in Irvington – Architectural Styles, Avg. Square Footage, and Age of Homes
Irvington Real Estate & Home Styles – What types of home styles can you expect to find in Irvington? Irvington has some of the most beautiful and grand homes to be found in East Portland. Streets with sidewalks and mature trees, and larger lots with homes sitting back off the street makes Irvington feel like and old fashioned neighborhood, and indeed it is. Built in the late 1890s and early 1900s, many of the homes in Irvington have the classic features that are so desirable in older homes, like hardwood floors, real wood moldings, soaring ceilings, fireplaces, built-in cabinetry and even sunrooms. Strolling through Irvington is always a pleasant experience and homeowners take pride in maintaining their properties.
Irvington Portland OR Homes for sale listings often include larger homes including Arts and Crafts styles, bungalows, Victorians, and large Portland Foursquare styled homes with covered porches. There are some homes for sale in Irvington built during later periods as well, and the occasional in-fill property.
Larger sized family homes are common in this area, typically ranging from the upper 2000-3000+ square feet.
To learn more about the Irvington neighborhood, including local amenities such as parks, schools, and maps, visit the Irvington Neighborhood page.